Journal Entry Guidelines
for English 101 Students
Oakton Community College (Fall 2013)
for English 101 Students
Oakton Community College (Fall 2013)
Creative thoughts and actions can positively change the brain’s circuitry. When you do something creative, you expand your sense of possibilities. When you are playful with language, you can transfer that playfulness to other kinds of writing. It also expands one’s versatility with language. You can also combine creative writing with other important kinds of writing (persuasive, expository, etc.) to maximize effects. Throughout this English 101 class, each student will turn in a number of journal entries. Each journal entry will be two full pages, double spaced, 12 point, standard margins. The writing style for each journal entry can be informal, but you will need to proofread to make sure you catch grammatical errors, etc., and the writing should be arranged with well-thought-out paragraph structure. Each journal entry should have stapled pages, with your name J# and date on the top of the first page. | J1: Expectations and Reflections (due on August 26) J2 will focus on your responses to several or all of the following questions:
J2: Faux News Article (due on 8/26) Directions: Write a faux news article in which you describe some breaking news story that’s set in your city (the city that you and your classmates have invented). Pick a category (sports, business, politics, religion, science, nature, arts & entertainment), and go from there. |