Note: This list was developed by Karen Roth. Thanks, Karen!
Baratian, M., Duffy, D.K., Franco, R., Hendricks, A., and Renner, T., Service-Learning Course Design for Community Colleges, Providence, RI, Brown University, Campus Compact, 2007.
Battistoni, R.M., Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum: a resource book for service-learning faculty in all disciplines, Providence, RI, Brown University, Campus Compact, 2002.
Gelmon, S.B., Holland, B.A., Driscoll, A., Spring, A., and Kerrigan, S. Assessing Service-learning and Civic Engagement: principles and techniques, Boston, MA, Campus Compact, 2001.
Gray, C. J., Heffernan, J.M., and Norton, M. H. Partnerships that Work: the stories and lessons from campus/community collaborations, Grantham, PA., Pennsylvania Campus Compact, 2006.
Jacoby, B. and Mutascio, P. (eds.). Looking in Reaching Out: a reflective guide for community service-learning professionals, Boston, MA, Campus Compact, 2010.
Kaye, C.B., The Complete Guide to Service-Learning, Minneapolis, MN, Free Spirit Publishing, 2004.
Lan Lin, P. and Wiegand, M.R. (eds.) Service-Learning in Higher Education: connecting the glogal to the local, Indianapolis, IN., University of Indianapolis Press, 2013.
Lester, C. and Robinson, G., An American Mosaic: service-learning stories, Washington D.C., American Association of Community Colleges, 2007.
Qualters, D. M. (ed.). Experimental Education: Making the Most of Learning Outside the Classroom, New Dimensions for Teaching and Learning, San Francisco, CA, Josey-Bass, 2010.
Zlotkowski, E. Duffy, D. K., Franco, R., Gelmon, S. B., Norvell, K. H., Meeropol, J., and Jones, S., The Community’s College: indictors of engagement at two-year institutions, Providence, RI, Brown University, Campus Compact, 2004.
Baratian, M., Duffy, D.K., Franco, R., Hendricks, A., and Renner, T., Service-Learning Course Design for Community Colleges, Providence, RI, Brown University, Campus Compact, 2007.
Battistoni, R.M., Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum: a resource book for service-learning faculty in all disciplines, Providence, RI, Brown University, Campus Compact, 2002.
Gelmon, S.B., Holland, B.A., Driscoll, A., Spring, A., and Kerrigan, S. Assessing Service-learning and Civic Engagement: principles and techniques, Boston, MA, Campus Compact, 2001.
Gray, C. J., Heffernan, J.M., and Norton, M. H. Partnerships that Work: the stories and lessons from campus/community collaborations, Grantham, PA., Pennsylvania Campus Compact, 2006.
Jacoby, B. and Mutascio, P. (eds.). Looking in Reaching Out: a reflective guide for community service-learning professionals, Boston, MA, Campus Compact, 2010.
Kaye, C.B., The Complete Guide to Service-Learning, Minneapolis, MN, Free Spirit Publishing, 2004.
Lan Lin, P. and Wiegand, M.R. (eds.) Service-Learning in Higher Education: connecting the glogal to the local, Indianapolis, IN., University of Indianapolis Press, 2013.
Lester, C. and Robinson, G., An American Mosaic: service-learning stories, Washington D.C., American Association of Community Colleges, 2007.
Qualters, D. M. (ed.). Experimental Education: Making the Most of Learning Outside the Classroom, New Dimensions for Teaching and Learning, San Francisco, CA, Josey-Bass, 2010.
Zlotkowski, E. Duffy, D. K., Franco, R., Gelmon, S. B., Norvell, K. H., Meeropol, J., and Jones, S., The Community’s College: indictors of engagement at two-year institutions, Providence, RI, Brown University, Campus Compact, 2004.